

HydraFacial is an effective way to repair damaged skin cells and feels good after just one treatment.

It is safe, fast and effective skin treatment to deeply cleanse the skin and long-term benefits without any discomfort. It takes around 30 minutes and you will notice instant improvement in skin health.

HydraFacial is used for various skin concerns such as sun damage, blackheads, enlarged pores, acne, brown spots, early aging fine lines, dry skin, wrinkles and more. We recommend one treatment every 2 weeks for overall improvement of skin.

Dermaplaning facial

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure that removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and makes the skin amazingly smooth and vibrant. It is performed with a #10 sterile, surgical blade that is passed across the skin at a 45 degree angle. It is recommended to be performed every four to six weeks.

It's a pain-free skin treatment that only takes around 45 minutes and you will notice immediate improvements in skin tone. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, hairy skin, hyper pigmentation, acne scars and more.